Community-based adaptation: Fishing

Community-based adaptation to climate change focuses on people and their relationship to the resources around them.

EMG worked with small-scale farmer organisations and artisanal fishers in exploring how they can build their community's resilience to the impacts of climate change. Together with each group, we tried to gain a deeper understanding of the particular impacts of climate change on their lives and livelihoods, explored the questions that concern them, and developed a set of action-research activities to pursue. Apart from bringing benefits to the participating groups, the work aimed to test and promote an Action Research methodology.

The impetus for some of this work came out of the testimonies made to the Pan-African Climate Change Hearings, hosted by EMG and Oxfam in Cape Town in October 2009.


If you'd like to read the full article, download here

Click here to read the testimonies from South African participants.

Action Research methodology 

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